Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, December 04, 2021


 Robophobia - Fear of Robots

Take a look at the video in this RT article:

Robot shocks with how human-like it is (VIDEO)

My first reaction? I'm not very fond of fakeness when it comes to being around humans. I can see myself being repulsed in the presence of a robot faking human emotions. I wouldn't want to pal around with something like this robot.

Thinking about it, I'd guess when the time comes, a lot of other people will feel the same way. Humans will reject the fake world of robots. So the promoters of robots, the wealthy among us, the "Big Tech" bunch who currently control not just social media but nearly all media will have to force us to like their new human inventions. I say "force" in the sense that we are being forced to accept everything else they have thrown at us recently, all the other phobias we feel. When they give these monstrosities lethal power and lethal authority and they program them to detect our repulsion and interpret it as a threat...

The time is at hand for our sick masters to rule.


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