Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, May 05, 2023

Trust Us

Donald Trump during his presidency constantly reminded us that he considered mainstream media to be "fake news", remember? If you suffered from trumpophobia, maybe you don't. But I do.

It seems to me that the mainstream broadcasting and cable media as well as nearly all print media has spent the past two decades working overtime to convince the public that it's the consensus that matters, not the actual truth. That concept is, by the way, not only Orwellian, but Marxist.

I keep wondering why Americans keep clinging to the notion that if mainstream media presents a consensus, it must be true. How can people stay so blind?

Well, now there's some evidence that Americans are coming around:

Three out of five Americans say corporate media to blame for spreading misinformation


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