Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tucker - A Huge Truth Bomb!

I am beginning to realize that every day that goes by now manifests in a whole new genre of truth.

Unless you associate your thinking with the Democrats who manifest only in consensus thinking and talking points. There's no such thing in the Democrat Party as independent thought or speaking from the heart.

But that is what is manifesting itself in the MAGA movement.

I can't begin to imagine a conversation like this involving anybody in the mainstream media or in the Democratic Party. It just doesn't happen. Mainstream media and prominent Democrats program the minds of their audience to fear this kind of free speech:

JD Vance: The New Opposition Party, Saving Rural America, & Why Trump Seeks Advice From His Gardener

If nothing said here resonates with you, search your heart to figure out why.


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