The Thing with Trump and Narcissists
My opinion just about now
It has been coming to my attention lately that there is a whole lot of narcissism out and about these days with reference one way or another to Donald Trump and his TDS critics. The critics have since 2016 labeled Trump as narcissistic. There are people who know Trump well who say that accusation is ridiculous.
I've spent time here on YouTube listening to advice about narcissism, how to identify it, what purpose it serves, how it affects a person's personality and behavior. Everyone has a subconscious knowledge of narcissists, how to identify and defend against them so I'm no different.
But just this morning I stumbled onto [Thank YouTube algorithms that have identified my interest in outdoor travel, pickup trucks, and attractive young women] somebody who I swear is the poster child narcissist and low and behold a few minutes into her presentation she sympathizes with all those who are hurting now after the election. She sympathizes with all those like herself, dedicated narcissists who hate Trump because he's such a narcissist.
Anyway, don't take my word for it. It's just my first impression of this new fellow traveler:
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