DC Crash Update - Disturbing Videos
Concerning the midair collision last month in Washington DC, here are recent YouTube videos that present stunningly disturbing videos of the wreckage as well as some more analysis of the crash itself.
From two days ago:
NTSB Releases Initial DCA Midair Findings
The commentator in this video, Ward Carroll, states at 4:32 in the video that the Blackhawk's female pilot's family's request to not announce her identity is "obscene, to put it mildly". As I seem to recall, that sort of thing is done with school shooters and with those attempting to assassinate Donald Trump. In this case it was highly inappropriate and highly suspicious to scrub the family's social media before announcing the name of the young Army pilot who, it would seem at least, was flying this Blackhawk.
This next video dated earlier today shows the Blackhawk wreckage being removed from the river and transported to a hanger for the investigation:
NTSB NEW Video SALVAGED DC Plane Crash Black Hawk Debris
All I can say is even if this Blackhawk was intentionally driven into the airliner, something nobody will even yet suggest, it couldn't have hit a more direct bullseye, a direct hit into the very centerline of the Blackhawk.
Every aspect of this crash is deeply disturbing to say the very least.
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