Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, February 24, 2025

Maine Deserves It

I live in Maine, so I know this to be true. Maine deserves what is coming to it. From its full-term abortion laws to its sanctuary state for out-of-state trans surgeries and procedures against the will of the parents (the kidnapping bill) to the ungodly ugly governor dancing at a drag show to highly questionable voting procedures to its effort to keep Trump off the Maine ballot to opposition to Trump's cabinet picks to its representatives voting to impeach Trump based on obviously concocted Trump-hating political propaganda, etc. Maine deserves and has earned what's coming:

Trump hilariously threatens Maine Governor as bizarre footage emerges of her dancing at a drag show

Maine people are already suffering from the draconian Marxism of its Democrats. One could argue that it doesn't deserve more suffering but until the Maine people overthrow the dirty Democrat politics, the suffering will continue.


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