Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Michelle Is Right

Reactionary politics is no way to run a country, but that doesn't seem to stop us. It especially doesn't stop the Republicans among us. Michelle Obama recently confessed that as an adult, she hasn't until now felt real pride for America. Immediately a reactionary fire swept through Republican politics and into the mainstream media. How could any patriotic American ever say she isn't proud of America!!! React! React! React!
Without overtaxing my compassion towards Michelle Obama, I felt I had some idea what she was referring to. I went through the Vietnam era, the Watergate era, the Iran hostage crisis, the outsourcing of nearly everything in the Reagan era and every era since. I went through the era of Desert Storm and the denial of benefits to soldiers injured in that war. I went through the Clinton disgrace. And I've survived the George W. Bush and Dick Cheney disgrace. And I haven't even touched yet on the racial disgrace in this country, something for which Michelle Obama is a front row spectator.
I know the shame of being American.
I grew up proud of my country, just as I am sure Michelle did. But the shame of it all... the shame of all this secret imperialism... the shame of all this racism... the shame of all this scandal... the shame of reactionary politics dominating our political consciousness...
How can a thinking person be proud of an America like that?
Michelle is right. Take a look at this and tell me where she is going wrong in her thinking.


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