Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Russiagate 2.0

Just before bedtime yesterday evening I noticed a story that had just broken. It's the first thing in the morning right now and when I turned on my PC I found it already dialed in to this Time article dated 10:59 PM (no date given but the Google page that I had used to get to this Time page was still open and that had a time stamp of 1 hour ago so that suggests I accessed this Time article at midnight January 13 when the story was only one hour old, so I'm going to say this story broke, for Time at least, on January 13 about an hour before midnight.

Russian Agents Hacked Ukrainian Company at Center of Impeachment Probe, Security Firm Says

This is one of those stories that I would imagine (paranoia strikes!) wouldn't read the same if I refreshed the page so I'm going to write about the gist of the story as it appeared last night at midnight.
Why might the story have already changed? Why the paranoia?
Because this smells to me like propaganda, that's why, and I have very recently been exposing myself to propaganda (think TehranTimes) and it's got me in a mild form of PTSD already, as if I had been gaslighted and am beginning to wonder if I had lost my mind, that's why. Propaganda gaslighting is like that George Orwell book 1984 where the book starts out with the main character hard at work rewriting old news stories to delete the old paradigm and issue a new one to fit the current government paradigm.
So yeah, I'll briefly pause and read the story again...
Here's how the story starts out:

(BOSTON) — A U.S. cybersecurity company says Russian military agents successfully hacked the Ukrainian gas company at the center of the scandal that led to President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Speaking of gas, eh???
It seems that a company named Area 1 has issued an eight page report linking Russian military hackers to the Ukraine, to the gas company Burisma, to the Ukraine where the gas company is located, to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden who is the current Democratic Party frontrunner in this year's US presidential election, and finishing the chain, to the 2020 election which the Time article I am reading makes damn well certain its readers know that's what this is all about: Russian hackers, the Ukraine, and President Trump's 2020 political opponent Joe Biden. It also informs its readers that this story is connected to the fact that President Trump was impeached last month for asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden's connection to Burisma.
All this is in just 5 short paragraphs, written, by the way, by Frank Bajak, Associated Press.

Something in my gut is telling me that Russiagate 2.0 has just begun. If Trump says even one word about this then it's "orange man bad" all over again.
Trump colludes with the dirty Russians to defeat his 2020 rival. Impeach! Impeach! Russia meddles with the 2020 election just like it did in 2016! Vote for Biden! Trust Biden, not the liar Trump! Liar liar pants on fire!

Of course, I could be all wrong about this. It might just be paranoia like I said coming from my recent exposure to the TehranTimes website. Oh I forgot to mention, also in last night's news was the story about two Iran Television news anchors with many years of experience bringing the "truth" to the Iranian people who resigned because of the Ukraine airliner shoot-down controversy that led to thousands of protesters in the streets in Iran angry about being lied to by their media and government. One of the resigning news anchors even went to far as to apologize to the people for lying to them for the past 17 years. That's big.

So I opened the Time article again and it still has 5 paragraphs so that's good.
Here's the link to the Area1 security report:


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