Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

New Hampshire Primaries - The Consolation Prize

If there is any consolation at all from yesterday's primaries in New Hampshire, it is that Bernie Sanders, the favorite to win the Democratic primary, who won 60% of the New Hampshire primary vote in 2016 with 152,000 plus votes - running against Hillary Clinton - yesterday won something like 26% of the vote with roughly 76,000 votes although not all the votes have been counted yet despite the fact that the polls closed 15 hours ago. So that means this year he may have gotten only half as many votes as he did in 2016.
Agreed those numbers will change when the vote is final. Even so, it comes as good news that his support has dwindled that much in the past four years.


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