Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, May 04, 2020

Covid News May 4, 2020

What the mainstream media wants to censor from sources new to me. Trust at your own risk:

America’s Intelligence Agencies Are Coming To Same Conclusion On Coronavirus

U.S. Intel: China ‘Intentionally Concealed The Severity’ Of Pandemic To Hoard Supplies, Report Suggests

Although this next set seems unrelated, some in the know might differ:

HUGE REVELATION: Latest DOJ Documents Released In Flynn Case Reveal Obama White House Was Running the Operation

The FBI Set Flynn Up to Preserve the Trump–Russia Probe  A well-written summary of the trap the FBI under Comey set for President Trump and his National Security Advisor

In other words, the effort all along from Obama and his loyalists has been to destroy the Trump presidency no matter what the cost to the nation.


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