Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Truly Orwellian Moment

Friday afternoon I had what can only be called a truly Orwellian moment.

Friday was the day that the independent election audit results for Maricopa County in Arizona were presented to the Arizona senate. While those results were being presented I happened to check Google News to see what headlines they were featuring and without exception all the headlines were reporting that Arizona was being presented proof positive that Biden won in a fair election. Meanwhile the representatives for the audit were, on live video available on the Internet, reporting on the fraud they had found, fraud enough to legitimately decertify the Biden victory in Arizona. And that was just one Arizona county. And I witnessed this myself Friday afternoon.

Basically dozens of mainstream media outlets were telling me that I was not seeing what I was seeing, that I was not witnessing what I was witnessing live from Arizona.

Meanwhile conservative alternative news outlets online were reporting the truth.


Except for Fox News which had nothing that I could find about the audit or the report or anything else related to Arizona. Even today I find no mention of it on Fox News online.

So if you're up to some adult language, here's a review of the situation from an actual Arizona man:

Adult language : Parental guidance advised

#TheyGotCaught - The AZ Audit Arrives


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