Covid - "Misinformation"
We have heard a great deal recently about "misinformation". For instance the fight against misinformation is the justification being used by big tech in the effort to censor social media.
Here is a shining example of how the term "misinformation" is used politically:
Controlling the spread of misinformation
Note that this article comes from the American Psychological Association but its aim is quite obviously against conservative ideology. Note that even though this article equates "misinformation" with "fake news" it makes no mention of the "Russian collusion" fake news scandal in the mainstream media and among liberal politicians and those who believed the hoax. Nor does it mention how liberal use of misinformation and fake news has attacked treatments for Covid developed by scientists and medical professionals.
In other words, the use of the term "misinformation" as well as the term "fake news" by the political left and by those who stand to profit the most from the Covid pandemic is political, pro-left, anti-conservative and the politics permeates professional circles, in this case the American Psychological Association.
For that reason I take it upon myself to, as usual for me, offer a more comprehensive definition of the word "misinformation" as it is used by liberals in the media and in politics.
"Misinformation" has become an Orwellian term. In other words it isn't being used to mean what normal human beings with common sense understand it to mean. Common sense leads common people to believe that "misinformation" refers to false or incorrect information, information that is not true.
Such is not the case when liberals use the term. When liberals use the term it means information that does not comply with the party line, with the "consensus" held by liberals. In that sense, "misinformation" is synonymous with what has always been referred to as "heresy". It has nothing to do with "truth" which is a concept that the left threw out when God was declared dead and thrown out of school. Truth now means that which liberal authorities declare, take it or leave it, my way or the highway.
There is a consensus among those who believe the rhetoric of the left that Covid vaccines will wipe out Covid. They won't. That claim has been proven by science to be actual misinformation, the kind of misinformation familiar to those who use common sense.
There is a consensus among the left that the world is grossly overpopulated and that the world's population needs to be drastically reduced.
There is a consensus among the liberal media that hydroxychloroquine is a dangerous medication that should not be used to treat Covid. Ditto with Ivermectin. The treatments used on political leaders when they contract Covid is ignored by the liberal media with the intent of establishing a false consensus that Covid can only be stopped by vaccines.
There is a consensus among the left that carbon dioxide is toxic in the atmosphere, a consensus that compels media outlets to promote not just fear of but actual paranoia about carbon dioxide and fossil fuels.
There has been a strong consensus among the leftists that the Covid vaccines are "safe and effective" but that claim is losing ground rapidly.
There is a consensus among the left that China is a trusted trading partner and that their military is not a threat to liberty and free speech, let alone racial equality.
There has been a strong consensus among leftists that Covid did not come from a Chinese biological research lab.
There is a consensus among leftists that Doctor Fauci is trustworthy, that he doesn't perjure himself or mislead when he testifies to Congress.
There is a consensus promoted by liberal leftist media that President Trump was and is a pathological liar while Joe Biden is trustworthy, a consensus that is false on both accounts.
There is a consensus on the left that wind and solar energy sources are a viable alternative to fossil fuels. They aren't.
The terms "misinformation" and "fake news" are used by the leftist liberal establishment to smear any disagreement with these consensus views.
I could and probably should go on with other examples of leftist Orwellian misuse of these terms but I think you get the gist here. When you hear the term "misinformation" being used by the leftist liberals, just realize that what they are really saying is that the information stands in opposition to the party line consensus, the current political doctrine of the left. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the non-Orwellian definition of truth. Under the careful stewardship of leftists the world is slipping back into the Dark Ages and the Inquisition. Science and medicine now serve leftist, Socialist, Orwellian politics, not truth.
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