Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Covid - Snake Oil

Something just now dawned on me about Covid and the so-called vaccines being pushed so hard now by the Democrats in America. These are the same Democrats who rabidly pursued "Russian collusion" conspiracy theories against Republicans while ignoring the fact that the majority of their evidence came from Russian collusion by their favorite "glass ceiling" Democratic candidate's camp. Democrats cover their tracks by inverting reality, has been happening a lot lately.
Democrats and the liberal media have been on the warpath against actual treatments for Covid - hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, steroids, you name it. Their claim is that the only solution to the Covid pandemic is vaccines. To them, Ivermectin is no better than snake oil.
Yet in the real world, vaccines are useless for treating Covid. If you become ill with Covid I dare you to even attempt to find a doctor who would tell you to get the vaccine to get over your Covid. I have not seen a single claim by anybody to suggest that might be a good thing to do. Heck, all things considered, being that foolish might even kill you. It's like OK so you have the corona virus and you are suffering from the effects of the spike proteins, so get the vaccine and take in a heavy dose of more spike proteins and let's just see if you get any better? Not happening. Terrible advice.
OK so the vaccines can't cure Covid so they must prevent it, right? Wrong. So OK they prevent you from spreading it if you do get it? Wrong. OK so these Covid "vaccines" can't cure Covid, don't protect you from getting Covid, and don't prevent you from spreading it. So how are they any better than snake oil?
Some open-minded people around the world are having success with Ivermectin but nobody seems to be having success with the vaccines so which one really qualifies as snake oil? Eh?

U.S Govt Research Finds African Countries Using Ivermectin Have Much Lower Rates Of COVID Mortality


The Story of Ivermectin


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