Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, September 06, 2021

Covid - A Whole New Level of Insanity

 This morning I came across a CBS News article that by a quantum leap advances the media insanity over Covid and the use of Ivermectin.

"They said they were vitamins": Inmates in Arkansas jail say they were unknowingly given ivermectin to treat COVID-19

Didn't I just recently read that the ACLU encourages the use of experimental vaccines to fight Covid? 

ACLU abandons its own founding principles, claims FORCING experimental medical injections into people somehow supports “civil liberties”

Yet they take the opposite stand with Ivermectin? Cruel and unusual punishment? Makes you wonder who paid them off if a drug known around the world for its safety and its effectiveness - especially when used early by people developing Covid-19 - is cruel and unusual punishment, doesn't it?

If I were in a prison and I were exposed to and tested positive for Covid-19 - especially if I developed symptoms of the disease - and the prison physician prescribed Ivermectin for me, I'd be praising God for the miracle, not complaining to CBS or any other "Fake News" outlet.

And CBS, with a reputation for honest reporting earned by the likes of Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather, stands in opposition to a doctor's right to prescribe a medicine known around the world as an effective treatment for Covid?

By the way, I don't see mentioned in the article to what extent the population of this prison has been vaccinated against Covid. Wouldn't any curious reader want to know? Wouldn't that be responsible reporting? Not to mention the flu symptoms mentioned in the article being blamed on the treatment and not on Covid. Do people actually believe this kind of reporting in "The Information Age" where with just a little bit of looking you can see through the deception?

Like I said, this takes the Covid paranoia to a whole new level.


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