Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Covid - Why So Many Black Masks?

Why are so many of the Covid masks you see on Americans black? It's especially noticeable with any pictures or video of the Biden administration or any Democrats in government but you see it around town too if you look.

In other words what is the significance to Democrats of the color black and how on earth does that relate to the Covid pandemic?

Just asking, you know. I have my own opinions but that's all they are is opinions. The objective truth is that Democrats in the USA seem to prefer black masks for some unspecified reason that obviously has nothing to do with health. Antifa prefers black costumes. I'd rather wear a mask of any other color that had "Let's Go Brandon" written on it. That would be less insulting, even less threatening, unless you're a black mask person.

Maybe black symbolizes the complete lack of independent thought, black - the color of the void.

Black is also associated with death, "the black plague". Maybe black Covid masks symbolize wishful Socialist thinking - in a covert sort of way.

But I seriously doubt that black Covid masks have anything at all to do with "Black America" or black Africans. That would be akin to conservatives wearing American flags for clothing - in other words, disrespectful.


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