Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, December 05, 2021

Riding a Bike

So when you say "bike" do you mean a bicycle or a motorcycle (motorbike) because it does make a difference.

Here's a video that attempts to explain the phenomenon of "countersteer" from the perspective of a bicycle. I'm no professional bicyclist but I've ridden bicycles for over sixty years now and I can assure you that you can safely and effectively ride a bicycle without ever having a clue about the physics this video reveals:

Most People Don't Know How Bikes Work

On the other hand if you ride a motorcycle it is unsafe to ride a motorcycle if you don't understand and apply "countersteer" and the countersteer that you use on a motorcycle has nothing whatsoever to do with what this video demonstrates.

In other words, this video is confusing, unnecessary, and potentially dangerous for riding motorcycles.

Countersteer on a motorcycle has to do with the physics of precessing the gyro which is the spinning front wheel. When you learn to countersteer a motorcycle you are learning how to precess a gyro. When was the last time you concerned yourself with the gyroscopic effect of a spinning bicycle tire? Like maybe never?

All that unnecessary confusion and the video already has over seven million views! The "Information Age" my as*!


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