School Porn in Maine - What are the Origins?
Fox News links generally don't work when I insert them into this blog but let's give this one a try.
Tucker Carlson from September 2022:
How teachers' unions plan to 'queer up' sex education in schools: Chris Rufo
Update - Same Day:
Maine LD 123
That actually explains quite a bit. The gay (neo-queer) movement found a loophole in Maine law and is raising hell throughout the state now pushing gay porn in school libraries and as an educator you can virtue signal for social approval by doing exactly that. But some offended citizens are pushing back to protect Maine children from this new queer movement.
Word has it that Maine's disgustingly ugly female governor is indifferent about this, but you know, if someone were raping your own child and someone who could help stop it claimed to be "indifferent" and not stop the abuse, what would your opinion of that person be? Yeah, I thought so.
Oh my god is it ever easy to have disdain for Democrats...
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