The Second Coming
I've been a Christian a few times in my life. Since I've never been anything other than that or a doubter or perhaps a junior amateur non secular theologian, unstudied, certainly not a Jew, nor a Hindu, nor a Buddhist, nor a Muslim, nor anything else, not a satanist for sure. If you're going to actually believe, it makes no sense at all not to believe in the one God, the one that seems to be common to not only Jews but Christians and even Muslims, the God of Abraham, same God you find in many indigenous populations, the one God and Creator. Go for gold, right?
That's as far as I care to go though, although it seems to me like the story of Jesus wants to share the God of Abraham with the people of the world. Christianity drops off the face of the earth with making Jesus the story of life after physical death. Call it deathophobia. Serious "believers" tell you that you get to go share in the kingdom of Heaven with God and Jesus after you die if only you believe. Wouldn't that be nice except what do you do with your life between now and the time you make that journey? Is there some way to spend that time with God and Jesus? Or is life a waiting game?
I suppose some people tell you that you join a religion and you believe. That's how you spend your lifetime. Whatever... Same difference.
I tend to think you seek the truth. Might as well. Call God "Truth" and seek truth. Why not? Why settle for the lies that pollute your personal space? Seek truth and to the best of your ability speak the truth. Live that way. Let the afterlife happen when it does. For now, live the truth.
But this discussion thus far is completely off topic because the topic is that I got to thinking this evening and a worthy question came to me:
If the second coming happens, the return of the Christ, would He join one of the existing religions?
If so, which one? Would He be a Jew the way He was last time or would He be a Christian, His namesake? Or would he be a Muslim warrior maybe or a Mormon with a harem? What would He choose to be? Or would he hit the Start button of a whole new religion maybe?
Recently I saw clickbait or maybe some video where it was discussed that Jesus wasn't actually a Jew. Can't say as I've got an answer there, but it must be known.
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