Young Adult Literature - Revised
I just came across an interesting term, "young adult literature". I was searching for a term that might be used to refer to this new form of reading material, mostly fiction, written for school-aged youth but polluted with profanity and objectionable sexuality, not to mention racist stereotyping.
What is Young Adult Literature?
From that description, young adult literature is a genre that has been around since even before the mid 20th century but develops, evolves, with time. The thing is, something happened in the evolution of the genre that I haven't been able to put a handle on. What was it that happened? Did it spawn a new genre or simply change the existing genre.
So what did happen? How did the genre change?
Young adult literature became sexualized and it became vulgar, to the extent that kids reading it had to keep it secret from their parents. In other words, the genre became divisive.
So how could that happen? Who would benefit from it? Why would schools and libraries champion it and promote it and praise it?
Young adult literature of this current era separates kids from their parents. It is meant to do that, but it is also meant to program the minds of the young readers. It is socialist propaganda. The closest thing to modern young adult literature is "fake news" which is what evolved from what people believed news was about, accurate reporting of the truth. In our time news has become propaganda, not truth. The intent of today's mainstream media is to create a narrative in the minds of their audience that describes a perception (or expected perception) that drives a desired agenda. No longer does news report truth.
Fake news divides its audience from reality. Modern young adult literature (with an audience of ages 12 to 18) divides its audience, kids, from their parents and, for that matter, from any responsible adults.
That's why so many school library books now are pornographic and racist in nature. For decades schools have had a socialist undercurrent aimed at separating kids from family, especially from parents. This is only the latest tool for achieving that goal.
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