Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Far Right Reptilian Brains

Leave it to National Public Radio (npr.org) to accuse people who fear the harm that is being done to young people caught up in the "Trans" movement of engaging their "reptilian brains".

The word "grooming" is a deep personal insult but those who deny that they are grooming can call those who fear grooming as lowly animal-brained reptiles.

Go figure...

Accusations of 'grooming' are the latest political attack — with homophobic origins

Coaching - Now that's a more appropriate word, right?

Maine School Admits Giving 13yo Girl Chest Binder: Great Salt Bay Update

Where do all these quack liberal journalists come from anyway?

How is it that the word "groom" and the word "seduce" could have virtually identical definitions? Grooming, like coaching, is the preparing of the individual's mind. Seduction is the initiation of the sexual act itself. Why can't people distinguish the difference? What are they trying to hide?

An Insidious Thought

From Psychology Today:

Misuse and Abuse of the Term Grooming Hurts Victims

I don't normally quote whole paragraphs, but this is educational use of the material:

"Among clinicians and researchers who work with sexual offenders and persons with pedophilia, there is little agreement on exactly what grooming is, or how to consistently and accurately identify and measure it. The term grooming is used to describe patterns of behavior in the actions of individuals who commit sexual offenses, as they prepare an individual to be more amenable, or susceptible, to the perpetrator’s influence. Grooming behaviors may also increase the likelihood that a victim will keep the interactions secret, protecting the perpetrator. Finally, grooming may also serve to prepare an environment, or a social network, to increase a perpetrator’s access to a potential victim, and decrease the likelihood of the perpetrator being exposed or confronted."

Suppose, just for argument, that the person doing the "grooming" isn't the individual who actually commits the sexual offenses but is rather an enabler (referencing the meaning of that word as used in drug and alcohol abuse and rehabilitation) whose influence is that of being a proxy.

So why would someone want to be a proxy for sexual offenders, one might ask?

Well here's the insidious part.

Suppose the proxy engages in virtue signaling, a common practice among liberals in this age we are living in. Virtue signaling requires a victim. It is very common for homosexual people to perceive of themselves as victims, not as a result of their own behavioral choices but as the result of prejudice against them.

In other words, suppose you can coach kids to become homosexual, not with the intent of abusing them sexually but with the same result - the kid, the minor, chooses homosexuality and is victimized by prejudice against their chosen behavior. Then the virtue signaling liberal gets to say to these victims, "We stand with you." We, the virtuous, stand against unvirtuous prejudice. Isn't that exactly what Mcmorrow said in the NPR article above when she said, "I promise you, there are a lot of us like me who don't [hate queers]"?


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