Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, October 01, 2023

"Conspiracy Theory" This

When a story like this one reaches the halls of Congress, is it possible to still claim that it is just a "conspiracy theory"?

HORRIFYING: Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” Which Turns Edible Plants Like Lettuce and Spinach Into mRNA Vaccine Factories to Replace mRNA Shots (VIDEO)

The big push when the mRNA Covid vaccines were first introduced was to convince the general public that this new mRNA was just local in your body, that it stayed in your arm near the injection area and didn't spread through your body. Last time I checked the food we eat spreads throughout our entire body.

Why should we trust this? I mean, sure, if we want the world's population drastically reduced because of our fear of "global warming" then yeah, poison the population with known deadly lab-derived toxins. But there aren't many people that I know who think that way.

Let's "opt out" of this one. Let's protect our future.


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