Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Senate Hearings Today Covering Trump Rally Shooting

I happened upon a hearing going on currently in which senators are questioning top-level officials, one from the FBI and one from Secret Service concerning the July 13 attempt on Donald Trump's life at a rally in western Pennsylvania.

It is beyond incredible how difficult it is for senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress to get meaningful information from top level bureaucrats in the Biden government, but it floors me how incredibly impertinent most of the questions are and how seemingly critical questions never get asked.

When did Secret Service snipers seen on video behind the stage decide to aim their rifles and begin monitoring the roof on which the shooter was eventually shot? Testimony given consistently states that the snipers shot as soon as they were alerted, and they did not know the shooter was on the roof until he began shooting. This is clearly bullshit considering that video shows that the snipers were focused on that building for some time before the shooting began. So... when did the Secret Service snipers first become aware of the need to aim their guns in the direction of the shooter?

Did any law enforcement have any means of getting onto the roof the shooter was on should the need to get on that roof present itself? Were there any ladders available for police or snipers to get onto that roof?

Where did the second ladder that was present just after the shooting come from? How long had it been in place? Was that ladder available to the police before the shots were fired? That ladder was a 10-foot stepladder, not the telescoping ladder seen being used after the shooting.

Why has no official yet asked the local SWAT team snipers why they were not at their assigned post in the second-story windows overlooking the roof the shooter was on? Or, if the snipers have been interviewed, why is their behavior too secret to share with Congress?


This guy does a good job in summarizing the problem I had watching this hearing today:

In a fit of rage Secret Service throws all local law enforcement under the bus


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