Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump Rally Shooting - FBI Director Wray Testimony

FBI director Wray is appearing today before the House Judiciary Committee (chairman Jim Jordan).

I've scanned through a lot of it, stopped to listen to pertinent questions and answers. After several hours of testimony here's what I've found:

  • The Democrat representatives are asking almost nothing pertaining to the shooting investigation.
  • Law enforcement (maybe FBI?) are in possession of the five-foot ladder that the shooter bought that morning. Wray did not (apparently avoided saying) where the ladder was found.
  • There was mention of the longer ladder but the discussion was dropped before any answers concerning that ladder could be given.
  • There were 8 shell casings on the roof after the shooting and they appear to match the shooter's gun.

That's it. Sorry to say, that's all I got from hours of listening to this crap.

Director Wray doesn't appear to be stonewalling, but he must be considering how little he has added to the conversation.


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