Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Second Floor Windows at Trump Rally Shooting - Confirmed

Ever since I took my virtual tour of the Butler Farm Show Airport on Google Earth the other day, I have been wondering why no news outlet has talked about the obvious second-story windows facing Trump's podium in the building adjacent to where the shooter's body was found after he had been shot.

That is no longer true. This obvious hole in the official story is now being revealed.

  • The shooter's position would have been clearly visible from these windows.
  • Officials clearly have claimed that law enforcement was on the second floor of this building.
  • The rally stage is in clear view of this window.
  • Helicopter footage of the site just after the shooting clearly shows an open second-story window on that second-story building from which a sniper could have fired shots at either the shooter (Crooks) or Donald Trump.
  • An eye witness saw people in these second-story windows while Crooks was on the roof of the adjacent building.
  • This helicopter footage also shows a ten-foot stepladder leaning against the wall of the structure Crooks reportedly used to gain access to the roof.
  • It was entirely possible that Crooks was shot from this open second-story window.
  • It is also entirely possible that a "second shooter" was shooting from that same open window, sort of a back-up shooter to finish the job if Crooks missed.
  • No officials have as yet addressed this obvious hole in the official story.
Anyway, here's the first video I use as my reference today:

ASSASSIN EYE-WITNESS: Police Are Lying about Rooftop Confrontation of Alleged Sniper – “The Guys on the Second Floor Were Watching – But They Didn’t Do Anything!”

And here is the second, much more in-depth video:

BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt

When you consider that it was impossible for any government snipers to be in this open second-story window and not see Crooks preparing to shoot, and that bystanders just outside this open window had for minutes been yelling notifying police of Crooks position on the roof, and that Secret Service left Trump on stage as a sitting duck for an assassin's bullet, it's really hard, and I mean really damned hard, to imagine that this attempted execution of Donald Trump was not an inside job.


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