Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Stand Down

How long did the Secret Service sniper have the Trump wannabe assassin in his sites before he shot him?

Was he told to "stand down"?

I've watched the videos and I must admit, those questions have crossed my mind. So it surprised me when the discussion in this video turned to a discussion of online reports that exactly that happened.

Go to the 9 minute and 23 second point in this video:

🔴BREAKING NEWS: New Trump Shooting Failure Exposed | Obama BENCHING Biden!

Update - July 18:

It appears that this claim doesn't pass the fact check test.

False Claim About Fake Secret Service Agent Contributes to Rally Conspiracy Theories

That leaves the question open as to why the two snipers who had the shooter in sight well before Trump was shot didn't shoot until after he had taken multiple shots at Trump. Videos clearly show the two snipers focused on the shooter's location. When they finally did fire it was in precisely the same direction where they had been aiming their rifles. They were waiting for something.

While they waited, the Secret Service took no action to protect Trump so the suspicions persist.


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