Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, July 22, 2024

Secret Service Testimony - Phenomenal Stonewalling

Less than an hour ago the House of Representatives Oversight Committee opened their investigation of Secret Service failures affecting the July 13 assassination attempt. The director of the Secret Service is testifying.

Some early notes:

  • Democrats are focused on concentrating on identifying the problem as the gun the shooter used, an AR-15.
  • Director Cheatle, when sworn in, responded by moving her lips but making no sound.
  • Director Cheatle's opening statement volunteered no significant details concerning the Secret Service failure.
  • Director Cheatle is stonewalling questions about the details of what happened at the rally. Her position is that she won't discuss details of an ongoing investigation.
  • Director Cheatle used the word "oversight" when referring to Secret Service coverage of the rooftop the shooter used but didn't define what she meant by "oversight".

Correction: "overwatch"

There's more but it is clear that the Secret Service director does not want to or has been ordered not to discuss what went wrong that day. Let's hope they can get past the director's stonewalling.

Two hours in: "Everybody gets a kiss of the pig" referring to the 5-minute questioning period rule.

Great summary just prior to the 2-hour time by Mr. Biggs, Republican from Arizona.

Representative Raskin, Committee Minority Leader: AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... 

Over two and a half hours into the hearing nobody in the committee has presented the image of the Secret Service perimeter of the site despite that the image of the perimeter has been public from the beginning.

Two hours and fifty minutes in when questioned by Representative Goldman, the Secret Service Director assures that there was overwatch of the rooftop on which the shooter took his shots.

Representative Talib - it's about guns and mass shootings and assault weapons... not about Secret Service protection at the Trump rally.

Three hours and forty minutes in - Nobody on the committee has followed up on the director's claim that there was "overwatch" of the roof to ask who was watching the roof. How can there be overwatch if nobody is watching? Who was watching that roof, from where were they watching, and what did they see?

Four hours and forty minutes later - The meeting is over. The Secret Service director stonewalled everybody asking her questions, Democrats and Republicans. The overall sentiment among Representatives is that this woman Cheatle should either resign immediately or be fired. Who could possibly disagree with that? I'm sure some DEI Democrats do disagree unfortunately but this woman failed America today.

But hey, so did Congress. Despite the fact that every time one of the House members asked Director Cheatle about the roof the shooter was on she replied that there was "overwatch". Time after time! Yet nobody thought to ask the question who was watching the roof and how were they watching it and what did they see going on there on top of that roof - OBVIOUS questions! As I write there is no official answer to those three simple questions.

So I conclude that this congressional interrogation was a pointless waste of time, political posturing for the upcoming election in which they all want to be reelected but not a serious inquiry.

No wonder Americans distrust Congress.


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