Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, September 01, 2024

DEI for President

After Joe Biden's presidency began in 2021 with a sharp increase in gasoline prices and especially in diesel fuel doubling from around $3.00 a gallon to over $6.00 and food prices, especially meat prices went through the ceiling followed by Biden throwing the southern border wide open complete with an invitation for people to illegally immigrate into North America and everything else that happened under Biden's watch began it seemed to me like liberals had become a scarcity. They were nowhere to be found in polite company.

That all changed this year with the 2024 presidential race. Suddenly they were back, and they were everywhere. Joe Biden fanatics were everywhere calling for Donald Trump's death (the "existential threat to Democracy" thing).

But immediately after the Trump assassination attempt when Biden's true mental disability became undeniable, everything changed again. The liberals were still out there but they had to come up with a new reason for voting Democrat.

They soon found it.

I'm sure you've heard it, but I have heard it first-hand. It's likely you have too.

The reason for voting Democrat in November is because, "She is a woman."



She is a woman. That's all she needs.

She doesn't need to inform anybody about what policies she intends to implement.

She can lie all she wants. Nobody cares.

She can be drunk when she speaks to the public, nobody cares, nobody even notices.

She can flipflop on policies she represented as Vice President - Nobody cares, nobody even notices.

All that matters to these voters, mostly women by the way, is that she is a woman. She would be the first woman President of the United States.

The whole process of searching for the most qualified person for the job is thrown out the window, gone.

All that matters this November is that there is a woman on the ballot.

A DEI hire.


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