Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dirty Rotten Lawyers

It dawned on me in the night what happened at last night's debate and it's something that under normal circumstances people would recognize and relate to. In the days leading up to the debate it was said that Kamala Harris would rely on her strong side, her prosecutor mode, something she was familiar with and good at before she entered federal politics.

She did that. In my mind at least, there's no doubt that she did that. She played the role of a lawyer in a courtroom.

Most people despise lawyers because of what they do in courtrooms.

In a courtroom all the testimony is given under oath. The witnesses are sworn to tell the truth under threat of punishment if they lie. But lawyers aren't under oath and frequently lie. That's their job, to lie as much as they are allowed to in order to let people who commit crimes to go free, or if you are the prosecutor to convict people even if they are innocent in order to win their case.

People realize that and they hate lawyers because of it but that's Kamala's specialty. She's a lawyer. Just like all dirty lawyers she's a trained and gifted liar.

It's the job of the judge to keep lawyers from lying but everybody knows they still get away with it. Dirty judges even encourage it. If there is a jury, then it's the job of jurors to sort the lies from the truth.

But witnesses are required to speak the truth and lawyers are expected to lie and we all know that and we hate lawyers because of it.

It was the job of the moderators in last night's debate to stop the lies. They failed miserably. They even introduced many of the lies themselves.

It's lawyers and judges like that that Trump has been forced by the Biden administration to face for the past four years.

It's lawyers like that in Congress that Trump had to face in his four years as President in the two sham impeachments in the House under Nancy Pelosi.

It's no wonder Trump was pissed last night in the debate but in my mind it's a rotten shame that he let it get to him, that he came across as an angry victim of injustice. But hopefully the American public saw through Harris's lies and the lies thrust into the debate by the moderators themselves. Unfortunately, because of Trump's attitude, I suspect Kamala will get away with her dirty lawyer tricks. It's now the job of voters to sort it all out.

I have to thank Kamala herself for finally exposing her true self.

Think about it.

I'll add one more thing. In my mind one of the most telling things that took place in that debate was when one of the moderators during the discussion of the Ukraine war and taking into account Harris's role in that war asked Harris point blank if she had ever met with Russia's President Putin. She didn't answer the question. She dodged it completely, and the moderator didn't follow up on his question. She proved how weak she would be as a leader. She went on to severely criticize Trump for meeting with the enemy when he negotiated the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Again, think about that. Imagine how difficult it would be for her with that attitude to negotiate a peace in Europe.


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