Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Draft Dodger

Sometimes you just have to hand it to RT.

For example:

Zelensky was a draft dodger – Poroshenko

Back when I graduated from high school every male at the age of 18 was required to register for the draft. The Vietnam War was on and LBJ was President. I wound up enlisting rather than risking being drafted and dying in Vietnam. Actually, I played high school football my sophomore year with a guy who was killed in the Vietnam War, so the fear was real. But my point it that America drafted 18-year-old men to fight in the Vietnam War.

No such thing in Ukraine. It seems that the Ukraine War is geared to wiping out the older generations and preserving the newest ones.

That and sending every last Ukrainian neo-NAZI in the country to the killing fields.


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