Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Two Thoughts on Wokism and Lies

Two thoughts have plagued me today. I have resolved both though.

One is the sight of Adam Schiff speaking with Rachel Maddow last night about Tulsi Gabbard. He was ranting about how Tulsi has no experience with government intelligence so it makes no sense for her to be the DNI.

From the Sen. Adam Shiff YouTube Channel:

Adam Schiff Issues Major Warning About Trump's Extreme Nominees

What better symbol could there be concerning Tulsi Gabbard's lack of skill when it comes to telling lies than this, Adam Shiff and Rachel Maddow speaking about her.

The second idea that has plagued me all day is the DC collision of an Army Blackhawk piloted by a Biden White House female Army officer. The videos have been everywhere for the past two weeks. The leftist media had a meltdown when President Trump angrily said that DEI was involved giving as an example that Air Traffic Control centers are undermanned after nearly a thousand white males had been deemed as unacceptable candidates because they don't represent diversity.

The odd thing about that collision is that if you watch the videos closely enough it is almost impossible to believe that it wasn't a deliberate act carried out by the Blackhawk pilot. I can't claim she did it deliberately, but it seems clear that she did it. She was the pilot who rammed the airliner that night.

This afternoon I watched a Steve Turley video about how leftists have been experiencing serious psychological issues since Trump's takeover. This should come as no surprise:

DC Therapists See SURGE in Dem Patients as Woke Libs Suffer MASSIVE MELTDOWN!!!

For this female pilot, this Biden favorite, the emotional harm may have been doubled by the Hegseth takeover of the Pentagon. There's no way to know how she took it emotionally since the family, cooperating with the Army, swept social media clean before announcing her name. But suppose this crash did have something to do with DEI.

Even if God Himself was responsible (explaining the one-in-a-million probability of it happening accidentally) the symbolism is the same.

What this collision represented symbolically, or at least should represent, is the crashing and burning of "Woke" culture.

America just can't afford this.

Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult


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