Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Obama Revisited

 From yesterday's Gateway Pundit:

WAYNE ROOT: All Roads Lead to Obama. He is the Evil “Manchurian Candidate” and Communist Mastermind of Everything Bad That Has Happened to America and President Trump. And I’m a Witness- It All Started at Columbia University

When George W. Bush finished his second term as President, the Republican Party had become a pariah, hated by a good many of its members and by virtually all Democrats. Rumors of Obama's Communist leanings were flying around but nothing could be verified. The choice Americans faced was more wars in the Middle East essentially following the course laid out by the Project for the New American Century, a Jewish movement to get Americans to die fighting for Israel's interests. So Americans blinded themselves about Obama and voted him in, myself included.

It wasn't long before I realized my mistake. Eventually I became a "birther" and even wrote here about my findings including a letter by Loretta Fuddy, the official in the Hawaiian Government responsible for producing Obama's long-form birth certificate which Fuddy suggested was computer generated.

I am no longer a fan of Barack Obama. His critics had it right. I am also not a fan of George W. Bush. His critics also had it right as did hero John McCain's critics. 2008 screwed the American people ten ways to Sunday.

Update 2/27:



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