Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dark Time in America

Maybe it's just the November weather in Maine. Maybe that's why I am so depressed. Maybe I should be out hunting today rather than wallowing in dark thoughts about the future of America. Maybe that's the answer.
One thing I will do today is take that Kerry/Edwards sticker off the tailgate of my truck. I'll take the yellow Support Our Troops magnet off too, save it until there is a glimmer of hope that America might stop the war. I don't support the war and don't want anyone thinking I do.
There were calls from both candidates, the winner and the loser, to unite again as a country. Bullshit.
So where will I go from here. Where is the hope for sanity now? Where will my energies make a difference?
America declared on November 2 that truth and sanity are not welcome here. Lies, deceptions, greed in its many disguises... these are the rulers of the land and the majority of Americans have now shown that that's the way they want it. So where do I fit in this dark new America?
There is every reason to believe that America will dive deeply into the waters of war now. Our economy is already "recovering" as a wartime economy. War is good for business. Outsourcing of manufacturing jobs is leaving many young Americans in need of an income, enough need to get them to enlist in the wars. We all heard the promises not to use the draft to enlist our soldiers. If we actually do go ahead and engage Islam in the Holy War, if we follow that with the war to finally rid the world of socialism, as long as we outsource most of our low-skill manufacturing jobs, we should have no problem finding enough soldiers to die for our cause.
What I don't get is how the conservatives see that as something "bright." To me it looks incredibly dark and depressing.
Maybe I just need to take my gun and go shoot something. It's deer season in Maine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'll take the yellow Support Our Troops magnet off too, save it until there is a glimmer of hope that America might stop the war. I don't support the war and don't want anyone thinking I do."

I don't think having a support our troops sticker on your truck implies that you support the war. I know many people who oppose the war, but still support the troops. The two are seperate issues in my view.

As far as hunting goes I don't think I could ever should an animal. In fact, I know I couldn't. A person I could kill, an animal, no.


8:36 AM, November 04, 2004  
Blogger Bill said...

If I don't support the war and there are no leaders working to end the war, then it is not at all clear to me how I can support the troops without at the same time supporting what they are doing. If you don't know what I mean, maybe you can get one of the troops to explain it to you. Or better yet since you have no problem with killing people, maybe you should become one of the troops yourself. Then you can understand better what I mean by this.

9:42 PM, November 04, 2004  

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