Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, April 30, 2005

A Break from the Rain

Today we had a break from the heavy rains that have been flooding Maine rivers. Actually the break came yesterday afternoon and there was an actual sunset. I took advantage of the dry weather this morning by raking leaves in my yard. I had the bright idea of loading the leaves in my trailer and taking them up on the farm to use to mulch a woods road that has been washing out for years and that is usually quite muddy in the spring. I didn't get within fifty yards of the deep mud before my truck was stuck in shallow mud. I nearly rocked all four wheels down into the mud before my wife suggested using some of the old boards I had saved last summer. Once I had them worked in under all four tires, I made a run for it and got free of the soft ground, but I left the trailer behind. It'll be a week or more before I dare recover it.
The ice hasn't gone out from either Wilson Pond or Moosehead Lake yet. It's starting to break up some and will be out within a few days, though. It's dark gray honeycomb ice now so the right kind of weather will take it out. But it's supposed to rain again tomorrow.
I was downstate this week and actually got to see green grass! Imagine that!
My two sons are around this weekend. Jake bought Nathaniel a fishing rod and they went trout fishing today two different times, but they didn't get any bites.
I got my eye on a nice old boat this week that would make a great work boat. It's an old 16 foot Starcraft, a wide one with high sides and even a deck on the bow. It's for sale and will be mine if it isn't already sold. I hope it isn't sold! That would be the perfect boat for working, recreation, and fishing on Wilson Pond.
I had an idea this week for a new way to chat on the Internet. Someone must have already come up with it but I am not aware of it. The idea is to have personal chat rooms where the chat history is immediately written into a blog. Each personal chat room would have a master whose blog it is. The master would be able to limit comments to trusted friends or leave it open to anyone, but the potential would be there to have the chat history open to the public just like a blog. Trusted friends could post links to other websites or to pictures which might appear as thumbnails in the blog. The master would have the ability to edit the chat history by removing any offensive posts. The chat room would be hosted on a 24/7 server but the master wouldn't need to be in for any of the friends to post a message. The whole idea is that it would be a public chat shared with the world indefinitely. Unlike with a blog, within each chat room any comments would appear in the order they were submitted in real time so if a reader had read everything up to a certain point, there wouldn't be any comments hidden under previous posts the way there are in blogs. It would be a lot easier to keep current as a reader. The challenge, though, would be to keep the conversation coherent.
Has anyone seen anything like this?


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