Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, June 24, 2005


Well, it's hitting the news today but it seems that a couple of nights ago the chief White House political strategist stuck his thumb up his ass and then proudly showed the results to a group of conservatives. It's causing quite a stink in Washington. Now for those among you who only are capable of literal interpretations, what I just wrote isn't to be interpreted literally. But for the more imaginative among you, you get the picture.
It seems that with the President's approval ratings in near free-fall, Rove decided that conservatives needed to once again take advantage of the political capital gained by the Bush White House as a result of 9/11 and accuse liberals of not responding appropriately to terrorism. Not only that but he also equated liberal criticism of the Bush Pentagon's virtual war crimes to helping to get American troops killed.
Now I realize that if you are a Bush Republican you will agree with what Rove said and if you are a Democrat you will think it stunk. Clearly, Rove intended it to be no less than that, divisive in a major way. Rove needs Republicans to rally around the consensus if he is to keep his job in Washington. Conservatives need to know that they will be branded as traitors if they turn against the Neo-Con Middle East War.
But Jeeze, Karl, didn't your mother teach you to wash your hands after wiping your butt? You stink!


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