Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Molested Skunks

Maybe you haven't noticed, but something stinks really bad here in the USA this summer:
I haven't listened to conservative talk radio in months, not since before the 2004 election. I can't stomach all the lies. But yesterday I listened to Rush while I was painting just to get the Republican talking points on this Karl Rove issue. What I gathered listening to Rush was:
1. Saddam did buy uranium yellowcake from Niger. Therefore, Wilson lied in his report about this purchase when he claimed that no such purchase was likely.
2. Wilson was sent to Niger by his wife. He then lied and told us he was sent by Cheney and Tenet.
3. Valerie Plame was not a covert CIA operative by the definition of the law which the White House is assumed to have broken. Therefore no law was broken and Rove is innocent. Plame's identity had already been revealed to Russia and she had lost her cover years before Novak's article. The law only covers operatives actively or recently in the field.
4. Rove wasn't the only one in the White House who identified Wilson's wife as a CIA operative.
Those were the main points I gleaned and remembered. There are more that I didn't, I'm sure. But if these Republican talking points - apparently also being spread by the head of the Republican Party - are true (which is unlikely at most), this brings up some interesting points:
1. Why is someone now in jail for interfering with a criminal investigation when there was no crime in the first place?
2. Why has this investigation been going on for at least a year now if everybody in Washington DC knew that there was no crime committed?
3. Why did Bush say he would fire those responsible if no crime was committed?
4. Why didn't Rove speak up a year or more ago if he knew that no crime had been committed? Why did he keep what he had done secret?
5. Where is the yellowcake? Where did it go if Saddam had no use for it?
This thing stinks worse than a pack of molested skunks.


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