Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


It would be pointless for me to write anything about this CIA thing, Porter Goss's sudden resignation, Dusty Foggo's resignation this week, all this talk of clash in the upper levels of the CIA and the clash between Goss and Negroponte. Under layers of media cover-up, though, lies another story which was just beginning to break wind last week when Goss announced his resignation. This is the Duke Cunningham story, or rather the Cunningham, Wade, Wilkes, Baker, Shirlington Limousine, prostitutes (gender unknown), Dusty Foggo, Porter Goss, Republican names ad infinitum story.
Talking Points Memo and TPM Muckraker have been covering this story ever since Cunningham's home deal started looking suspicious. If you are at all curious about what could well become the biggest sex scandal in Washington in my lifetime and how Goss got mixed up in it, these two websites are a great place to begin. TPM is pro-Democrat for sure, but the coverage has always seemed reliable to me. This isn't the kind of ad homonym character assassination information we keep seeing from the Rove spectrum of politics, the Swift Boat and Jeff Gannon slop. TPM is out there looking for the truth.
Did Goss resign because of a sex scandal? I guess you and I will just have to wait and see. Goss or no Goss, this scandal goes deep into Washington politics and it isn't all about sex. It's about criminal bribery in Washington. The sex and the limos and the poker parties just seem to be means to an end and somehow this Foggo character, number 3 man at the CIA under Goss, just happened to be connected somehow and Goss apparently didn't want to take appropriate steps once the Republican shit began hitting the fan. So his sudden resignation had nothing to do with last week's muckraking? Yeah sure...


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