Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's Back

Terrorism is back on the front burner here in America. This summer is a far cry from the fall of 2004 when everything was going Bush's way, when the neo-conservatives were in full control of the government. Remember when Bush gave bin Laden the brush-off in one of his debates with John Kerry in the 2004 presidential race? Now the Senate wants to up the reward on bin Laden to $50 million. Every day now we hear new warnings that al Qaeda is bracing to strike America again.
So the thing is, why? Why the revival of bin Laden? Wasn't he close to death or even dead a year or so back?
Somewhere this week I came across a brief report that the US government had announced a plan for running the government should Washington DC suddenly become inoperative. Was that the result of Putin's visit to Maine? Did that meeting go that badly? Putin announced this week that he's pulling Russia out of the pact with NATO regulating Russia's conventional military force placement in Europe. I guess there must have been a few speed bumps in the road down there in Kennebunkport.
But really, who expects Russia to blow up Washington? Nobody that I know of. That's insane.
I certainly don't.
But I've been saying for some time now that on some level of irrational thought, an attack on Washington can be expected.
From the neo-conservative perspective, that is from the perspective of those who favor Israel in world politics, the worst possible situation in American politics would be for the American people to turn against Zionism and its effects. It goes without saying that the single biggest thorn in the side of Islam is Israel. It was Israel that decades ago responded to Iraq's construction of a nuclear power plant with airstrikes. But since the first Gulf War, it has been America's job to preemptively strike in the Middle East.
It was the neo-conservatives at the Project for the New American Century who said that it would take a new Pearl Harbor to get the American public to support pro-Zionist use of America's wealth and military. The 9/11 terrorist attack served nobody more than it served Israel.
With the virtual mutiny of the American public over Bush's war in Iraq, nobody serves to lose more than the Israeli Zionists if American public opinion turns against the neo-conservative agenda to broaden the war into Iran.
In today's world it is not permissible in public to say these things. Simply pointing out the truth exposes the messenger to charges of anti-Semitism. If you don't believe me, just try it yourself. Try looking at this from the perspective of someone critical of Israel. Try understanding how much all this killing and all this terror is giving the advantage to Israel. Don't even take the next step. Don't try to see that all this makes perfect sense from the perspective of Israel's secret intelligence services who have virtually unlimited financial resources and zero scruples. Who besides Israel has gained anything from all this? Certainly the American people have lost a lot. The people of Iraq have lost a lot. All of Islam is now in tatters or soon will be. But Israel is stronger than ever before, strong enough even to be contemplating air strikes against Iran, potentially even nuclear strikes, if Iran doesn't bow to the Zionist will.
So why this new daily reminder in the US of al-Qaeda? Why this reincarnation of bin Laden?
Because the American public are on the verge of mutiny against the neo-conservatives and George Bush. If we carry out that mutiny, the Zionists will have no choice but to revert to another terror attack against the American people. If the mutiny got out of hand and actually took over the US government by voting out the scum, then what other choice would Zionism have but to take out Washington and take over the government?
Al Qaeda with the bomb? Not likely, not unless someone can secretly supply them with it, someone with a real need to persuade the American public to go hog wild with war against Islam.


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