Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Trump the Zionist

It hasn't been easy for me - somebody who opposed the George W. Bush war in Iraq, somebody who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 primarily because I couldn't vote for war-mongering Republicans, somebody who grew disillusioned with Obama the politician verses Obama the POTUS even before he joined forces with Hillary when he made her Secretary of State, and somebody who voted for
Trump in 2016 for the very reason that he was the peacemaker as opposed to the saber-rattling Dems who were busy working to complete the Obama years by having the US and Europe playing "war games" on Russia's border so threatening that Russia not only mounted a defense but started saber rattling with its stockpile of nukes, (remember?) - it hasn't been easy for to embrace President Trump's love affair with the Jews. I'm not sure I'd go as far as this article dated January 17, 2020 goes but it's worth contemplating:

NIMMO: David Wurmser and Trump’s Zionist Occupied Brain

I have a naïve tendency to want to see Trump's foreign policy in the same light that Trump himself claims to see it. Nobody else can seem to see it this way but that hasn't stopped me.
I think as soon as Trump took office he immediately let our allies in the Middle East know that he wouldn't put up with Obama's and Israel's and Saudi Arabia's bullshit anymore. He made it clear that they were still allies but the games had to stop. The problem is, Trump is in love with Israel, way too deeply in love in fact. So is it fatal love?


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