Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Are you for or against hate? When it comes to allowing or forbidding hate on the various social media platforms what defines hate? It dawned on me recently that when it comes to censorship on social media hate is defined as any person or topic that triggers hatred in their opponents.
Think about that one. Take it home with you. It's a broader concept than good old-fashioned hate - a bit Orwellian.
About 21 minutes into this video there begins a discussion about hate. The question is posed - anyone in this audience who is for hate raise their hands even though a protest group was accusing the entire audience and the speaker of hate. So what does define hate...

Dave Rubin Handles Protesters at UNH (FULL VIDEO) | FREE SPEECH | Rubin Report


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