Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, June 18, 2021

Out with QAnon and In with UFO's

 Sometimes my mind goes places where normal minds don't tread. I would say "fear to tread" but those words are already taken, I think.

For instance, for a long time I have had the sense that if there were extraterrestrial beings out there keeping an eye on us, they would not remain neutral observers if they saw that we were on the brink of doing ourselves great harm. They would step in and stop us. It's like if it came to nuclear war, ET would miraculously save us from  our own self-induced demise.

It's not a difficult concept. ET is a security blanket for a lot of ET believers. ET helps people who would otherwise have no hope for mankind's future sleep at night. Extraterrestrials, ET, exist only in fiction for most people but for some he fills the bill, he is the glimmer of light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Well it just dawned on me that this very same role was served by QAnon, that dreaded supposedly pro-Trump entity on the Internet that for years assured Trump supporters that what wound up happening never would. Government insiders loyal to the Conservative cause would never let the things that happened to America last year and this year happen.

But they did.

And ET, the new superhero since the fall of QAnon, won't stop us from destroying ourselves either.

Because ET, like Q, is a fake.


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