Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Covid - The Baldwin Thing

Someone hands you a gun and tells you it's safe if you point it at somebody and pull the trigger. Do you? Not if you care about the safety of the person you are shooting at. Am I right? Not if gun safety is your thing.

Someone offers to stick a needle in your arm and inject you with a shot that's supposed to keep you safe from Covid telling you the vaccine is "safe and effective" but neglecting to tell you it has never been proven safe or effective in any long-term study and besides that, people are reporting adverse and even fatal effects of the shot. Do you let them stick you with it?

You're apparently in good company if you just go ahead and trust and don't believe warnings about the risk and just "do it" the way Baldwin apparently did it.

There's a word for people who don't check a gun to see if it's safe. The same word can be used for people who don't check to see if an injection is safe.


But a lot of people knew that already about Baldwin. They didn't need him to kill someone to prove it.


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