Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, January 21, 2022

Ukraine, Russia, and NATO

A snapshot in present time...

I wonder if I might be the only person on earth who has noticed that recently nobody has been mentioning NATO when discussing the Ukraine. No, you say, that's not true. They have been talking about the Ukraine joining NATO all last year. True, I say, they were, all last year. But all of a sudden, nobody is mentioning NATO.

Why might that be?

Russia has made it crystal clear that they will not let NATO advance into the Ukraine, that if they try, it means war.

The Biden administration does not want to be perceived as provoking Russian aggression even though expanding NATO into the Ukraine would provoke Russian aggression.

Therefore, the word is out (or it must be), keep silent about NATO, because now nobody is talking about expanding NATO into the Ukraine.

It's not like anything has changed. The Biden people still want NATO to advance into the Ukraine. They just want news viewers, their real base, to be ignorant when the war breaks out and blame everything on Russian aggression.

Now that's just one man's opinion, mind you, mine, but it's not like I've never seen the media being used to ensure that their viewers are clueless.

A blast from the past...

By the way, where we are right now with the Ukraine is right where the Obama administration left off five years ago when President Trump was inaugurated instead of Hillary Clinton. The Clinton people had this all planned for five years ago when Russia was a much weaker adversary. What is playing out now is the same senseless Globalist agenda that was planned for the Clinton administration.

I don't care if you doubt me.

America is Very Unstable – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


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