Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Federal Disinformation Bureau

One of this week's big surprises in the federal government of the USA is the revelation of the new disinformation bureau. It would appear that the federal government of the United States of America has evolved to such perfection that we can now trust federal government employees to have such high levels of integrity that they can now dictate to us what the truth is.

Isn't that just phenomenal?

I mean, think about it, if this works out, we will finally have a federal agency with such integrity that it can tell us with 100% authority whether McDonald's hamburgers and Coca-Cola are healthy for us to eat!

Isn't that amazing!!!?

And we don't even need to worry that big money might corrupt their authority.

Just amazing!

And with this level of integrity and authority in the administrative branch of government, who needs the courts anymore? Think about that one.

Queen of CRINGE Heads Biden Ministry of Truth


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