Virtue Signaling - Again
Update May 21, 2023
This YouTube video just came to my attention, and it is a truth bomb featuring Tulsi Gabbard. Highly recommended. Take the time to watch this whole interview. It gets more and more intense, especially at the 15:00 point, "The Woke Rating".
"Democrats Don't Speak Out About This!" - How ESG Is Destroying American Corporate Culture
Original Post:
I've written about "virtue signaling" in the past. If I speak about it in public almost nobody knows what I'm referring to, which seems odd to me. Everywhere I look somebody is virtue signaling so why are people not aware of what it is?
Nobody knows this, apparently, but when somebody virtue signals what they are actually doing is saying that if you disagree with them, you are not a virtuous person. Virtue signaling is an insult in disguise. These days you see that tactic everywhere you look. Back in the old days the people who used this tactic the most, at least here in the US where I live, were Christians and the more conservative those Christians were, the more they signaled that if you disagreed with their beliefs, you were a bad person or you had lower moral values than theirs or that you were evil.
Somewhere along the way the "liberals" learned the technique and now it is liberals who make you feel that if you agree with them, you are virtuous but if you don't, you are of low worth and need to come around to their perspective if you want people to find you worthy.
The danger of this kind of virtue signaling is that it can be used to force people to support bad or even dangerous choices. There is no better example of this than the current "trans" movement where if you don't agree that children should mutilate themselves with breast removal surgery or the surgical removal of male genitals or the mutilation of female genitals, then you are a hate-filled and worthless person. There is no virtue in mutilating children's bodies but if you disagree with the "need" for such surgery and say so, you are expressing hate.
So I have come to realize what virtue signaling actually is:
Virtual signaling is the polar opposite of critical thinking.
Always criticize virtue.
Or in other words, never fall for fake virtue. Don't be a fool. Always question. Always resist.
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