Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Trump - "A Threat to Democracy"

I don't know if mainstream media reports to its audience that prominent Democrats say that Trump and his dedicated supporters are a "threat to democracy", but I have seen them making that claim, over and over again.

Frankly, the claim never made sense to me. The actual threat to democracy is Marxism, the Marxism being taught in so many colleges and universities, not Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again movement that opposes Marxism.

Trump represents democracy as we know it. Marxism doesn't.

Cheating on elections - as far as the common understanding goes - isn't how democracy works.

Well, I just had one of those moments where Orwellian doublespeak suddenly reveals itself to my conscious mind and it didn't even take drugs to make it appear.

What Democrats are really telling us is that if the day ever comes when the deep state loses control of elections, when the people make the choices rather than the corrupt bureaucracy, then the deep state will be forced to overthrow the government and install a more authoritarian means of selecting the puppets whom we call our leaders.

Take China for example.

Ot Ukraine maybe.

North Korea?

Venezuela perhaps?

All those banana republics?

Now it makes sense. Now I understand what they mean and how they can make that claim.

"Democracy" to them is how they cheat us, how they control us while making us believe it's us who are in control.

It's a threat more than anything. If they lose control, they will take over the government, throw out the Constitution, get rid of fair elections - end democracy in America.

We already know that we don't control who the candidates will be. We've suspected that for decades at least. It must be obvious by now that the mainstream media controls our perceptions of who we should vote for. So why has it taken us so long to realize what these Democrats and RINO Republicans are actually saying?

Orwellian doublespeak - Learn the language.


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