Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, January 21, 2024

J. Alex Halderman

 J. Alex Halderman, a specialist in computer security and the security of voting machines, was recently in the news concerning something he did in a Georgia courtroom with a Dominion voting machine. I tried to verify that story in more mainline news outlets but didn't find anything. I Googled the name "Halderman" in Google News but nothing recent came up. For some strange reason a seemingly overabundance of obituaries showed up.

Here's a video that will help you understand who this man is:

Science in the Service of Democracy | J. Alex Halderman

The Gateway Pundit article dated today, January 24, 2024, claims a Georgia woman named Amber Connor witnessed the event and commented on it.

Anyway, I'll be keeping my eyes open for more on this but based on what this man said in the YouTube video linked above, I can believe what the Gateway Pundit is reporting.


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