Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, August 04, 2024

A Unique Perspective on the Trump Shooting

Who Really Planned Trump Assassination Attempt! w/ Ian Carroll

If I recall correctly the first foreign country that Trump visited in 2017 after he was sworn in was Saudi Arabia. I remembered it because it seemed so odd to me. Then he went to Israel. Soon after in the news feeds I was following it became evident that the US policy towards Syria had changed and that Trump was done with American covert support of ISIS, Obama's American proxy against Syria's leader Bashar al-Assad.

Totally in your face, Israel which was Trump's enemy number one from that point on. From that point on South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham teetered back and forth on Trump. He was all Trump whenever Trump did something for the neo-cons but he was all for impeachment when Trump resisted.

Then again, that's all pretty much just my perspective...


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