Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, September 13, 2024

Closer to Thee, O Armageddon

It is possible that some people might be quite worked up about this tidbit of news:

Israelis practise red heifer ritual in front of Al-Aqsa Mosque

I can't imagine why, though. I mean, tearing down one of the two main icons of the world's most populous religion in order to fulfill this Jewish fantasy? Why would that matter to anybody, right?

Well yes, I suppose some Muslims might get worked up about it. That makes sense. But Jews don't seem to care.

I was thinking the other day that the Jews, in retaliation for about a thousand of them losing their lives last October 7, have currently killed around 40,000 Palestinians, mostly civilian, and that for the Muslims to retaliate using the same math (40:1 ratio) it would cost the lives of 1,600,000 Jews to even the score.

It's a wicked good thing the Muslims don't use Jewish math, don't you think?


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