Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Is Israel Legit?

Here's an interesting tidbit from the website Natural News:

Israel’s entire occupation of Palestine since 1948 ruled illegal by the UN

There's this illusion that somehow the Zionist movement was able to secure the land that became Israel through means other than by actually fighting for it. Throughout history and especially in the 1940's (resulting from World War II) wars shifted national borders and it doesn't take much research to learn that the Zionist Jews actually fought the existing population and even the British to acquire dominance over Israel and have used violent means ever since to expand their territory. I realize if anyone makes this claim they open themselves up to accusations of antisemitism but that doesn't change reality.

So the question is, was it and is it still legitimate for the Zionist Jews and the nation of Israel to use deadly force to acquire land?

Obviously Zionists think it is. 

So what's up with this UN thing? Why this blowback?

I'm inclined to think this has something to do with double standards. For instance, if Russia takes land that was weaseled from their control by the CIA (which in my mind always means Mossad, one-and-the-same thing) in 2014, land which is crucial to Russia's economic existence in the world, that is bad. That is a no-no bigtime, a violation of all rules governing national sovereignty. But with Israel, what is called "Palestine" was not a part of any nation, it was land up for grabs, so it was legit for Israel to fight and kill for it. It was like America or the colonial powers fighting to take over land occupied by Native Americans. It wasn't a nation, then the fight for territory, then it was a nation or it was a colony of a nation.

So, one set of rules for Israel and America, another set for Russia.

Makes total sense to me, right? America and Israel are just so incredibly God endowed, how could it be otherwise, right? If you are already perfect then anything you do is legit. Otherwise, you are among the condemned.

So how does the UN have the gall to accuse Israel of anything!


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