Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Glyphosate (Roundup) Problem

I have read on more than one occasion that glyphosate, a chemical frequently used in agriculture as an herbicide and as a desiccant, was originally patented as an antibiotic. Don't quote me on this. Do your own research. But antibiotics taken orally as a drug or in food can kill the microbes necessary for a healthy gut.

I was watching a video on YouTube with Jordan Peterson interviewing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. yesterday and Kennedy was talking about the dangers of eating products that contain glyphosate. If you live in the USA, chances are you eat glyphosate frequently.

If you feel that you probably don't, then read this Organic Lifestyle article:

Foods Most Likely to Contain Glyphosate

There are areas on this planet where governments ban the use of glyphosate by farmers, but the USA isn't one of them. I was in a couple of supermarkets today and the number of foods that most likely do contain glyphosate is astounding, overwhelmingly astounding. Kennedy pointed out that unlike in other nations, the life expectancy of Americans is falling - a frightening piece of information.


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